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Mr Brian Tracey

Member, Tenor

  • Chapter Details
  • Role(s): Member
    Level: Full
    Status: Active
    Office(s): Webmaster
    Committees/Teams: Bingo Committee (Team leader)
    Music Team
    Singing Valentines Committee
    Strategic Development Committee
    Board Members (Team leader)
    Show Team
  • Bio/Profile
  • Having enjoyed singing since a young age I was active with any music activity all through my school years.  After high school I was looking for something to fill that need to sing within me and found the Barrie County Chordsmen.

    At that time I was unable to perform with the Chordsmen due to work conflicts, so I left the chapter and persued other options.

    In 2014 I was drawn back into Barbershop singing and have been enjoying myself ever since!

  • Chorus Details
  • Role(s): Tenor
    Status: Active
    Front Row? Yes
  • Quartet Details
  • Role(s): Social Contact, Tenor
    Status: Active
    Special role with this ensemble: Social Contact
    Front Row? Yes
  • Chorus Details
  • Role(s): Tenor
    Status: Active
    Front Row? No
  • Quartet Details
  • Role(s): Tenor
    Status: Active
    Front Row? No